Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Why is it that the AM class is so much better than the PM at completing projects?


TAYLORRR said...

they arent. you just THINK they are!

Rasier_alma said...

Perhaps they turn it in on time yes but what do you care about more in a work related atmosphere crap turned in as soon as possible that no body would want to even look at or would you want something I don't know more perfected like they took time thinking through what they could do for it and handing it in on the very last day perfected?

Rasier_alma said...

No offense intended to anybody.

Hannah said...

probably because it's the end of the day and no one really cares as much because they just wanna go home?

Lucas said...

I agree with Skyler on this. It's more important to have a project that looks professionally done, rather than one that looks like crap! If you wanted everything turned in on time you would have to compromise with "non-professional" quality work turned in.

Lucas said...
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Danielle H said...

Did you ever think that its just because Landis favors Tyler M? Maybe if he switched to PM our class would be considered better than the AM.. By the way Mr. Landis you still dont know the real Tyler haha

Danielle H said...
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Danielle H said...
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