Thursday, May 15, 2008

What do you think?

Yesterday we "participated" in our annual awards assembly. An important part of the assembly was to see students being recognized for perfect attendance, highest GPA, most improved, and community service. All of these are traits that are evaluated in our Work Ethic grade. $3,000 was awarded between the sophomore, junior and senior classes. If these are traits that will benefit you upon graduation and help for you to gain employment, why didn't Multimedia win any awards?


Renee said...

we are just so professional people can't recognize it.

klandis said...

I wish that were so... it doesn't say much for the Multimedia program!

Rasier_alma said...

It could be possible that were noted as not as important as the other programs though when in reality we are just as important maybe even one of the most important programs in the school because without us there would be no newspaper articles,billboards,brochures,etc. to make the schools accomplishments and the schools existence assured.

Kait said...
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Adam said...

We don't receive awards because if they were to give awards to our program, there would be no awards left for any other programs.

Hannah said...

They're just jealous of us.

Kait said...

They are silly

TAYLORRR said...

i think maybe because it was just the luck of the drawl... maybe there were names in there but it was just luck of other students they got picked and not us

Wineland said...

because we just to cool for school