Thursday, May 27, 2010

Big Screen HD TV

What if we get money in the fall for a big screen tv? Have any recommendations on the size, installation location, and brand? I'd appreciate opinions to help with the purchase.


samantha smith said...

it definitely a great idea! but not sure of a place. :D

Sarah S. said...

sounds great. maybe LG or Samsung. not sure of the size or where u should put it though.

samantha smith said...

maybe a Vizio... and maybe mount it on the wall by the little bulletin board where the things for photo competition

Alex Lafferty said...

LG, Sony, Samsung, Panosonic

all the other ones are trash for the most part.

maybe 35"?

klandis said...

I need some comments from people with knowledge about large HD tvs so we make the correct purchase.

jasmine said...

we should put it on the wall where the pm's pictures are :) that would be sweet

Sarah S. said...

best buy has some HD tvs at reasonable prices. some are Energy Star qualified.

Kajka said...

How about we put it in the back of the room by the windows next to the tv there? That way everyone could see it, not sure about what type though, Best Buy is good with that sort of thing.