Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dirty Jobs

Bird food is made of fat with insects in it. Sewet is healthy for birds and people feed it to birds because they love birds. It costs three times as much as regular bird food because it costs more to make.
The flies in the sewet are home grown and raised for the explicit purpose of feeding birds nutritious food. To grow the insects they keep them in the factory. In order to prepare the maggots to be put in the bird feed they scold them with boiling water to humanely put them to death quickly. They then stir the maggots with the liquefied fat and put it in a cube mold. After it sets up they take the large cube cut it down to packaging size to sell it.
Spider catching is a difficult job that requires a lot of work. First the hunters have to find a location where spiders might hide such as a pack rat’s nest. They then methodically remove pieces of the nest and carefully catch spiders from under rocks and twigs.
After they finish catching all the spiders they can they attempt to put the nest back together. Then they take the spiders back home and put them in their permanent homes. They remove each spider from the catching cup and put it in a cup so it can be fed home made maggots at least once a week.
In order to keep the spiders sustained they breed fruit flies, maggots, and houseflies. They feed those to the spiders so the spiders produce venom. They milk the spiders by anesthetizing the spiders then inducing them to release the venom into a vile. They use the venom to research diseases and produce anti venom for those spiders.


Griggleman said...

Nice paragraph lots of info :)

Royriott said...

Very informative.